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Termite Baiting  System takes advantage of natural termite behavior. Worker termites constantly forage far and wide, looking for wood to feed the colony. When they find food, they leave special scent trials to summon their nest mates to the food source. Through this, the termites will gather in the baiting system and stop eating wood base furniture and structure of the building.


UG termite baits is an under-ground station of the Elimination System which is used to eliminate the specific subterranean termite colony. UG Termite baits contain the Insect Growth Regulator (IGR), which prevents successful milling and development of subterranean termites. This disruption of the development results in the decline elimination of the termite colony when it can no longer sustain itself.


Termite baits can also be installed before the subterranean termites appear. By utilizing the characteristic of gathering specific subterranean termite, if a new termite colony appears, it will consume the first baiting system instead of furniture and structure of the building, thus this baiting system will act as a protective measurement

Corrective Slab Injection

This treatment method is classified as Prevention and Protection type. 

Drilling of holes are essential for termiticide to be impregnated. 

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Soil Injection

This treatment method is classified as Prevention and Protection type. 

Drilling of holes are essential for termiticide to be impregnated. 

Pre-Construction Anti Termite Prevention

The aim of this treatment is to provide a continuous chemical barrier between the soil and the building. This chemical treatment will prevent subterranean termite nesting in the soil from entering the building. Termiticide [Zagro Pest Ban 100] 10litre pre mixed with water at dosage as per labelling (235ml/10l water). The process is usually the usage of power-spray to drench the foundation hole before concreting. It will drench the soil and soil border before fixing the floor slabs. The right amount of concentration (5.5l/m3) should cover the soil surface before concreting the designated area. Treatment shall not be performed just before or after heavy rain unless the area to be treated can be physically protected to avoid leaching and runoff before the chemical has bound to the soil. No digging of the treated soil should be allowed which will render this treatment to be ineffective

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Anti-Termite Residual Spray

Bio Pest Control Sdn Bhd offers residue spraying for both indoor and outdoor treatments. We have residue spraying treatment for termites and general pest control. Residue spraying treatment for termites consists of spraying all the wood materials, and structure of the premises. For general pest control residue spraying will be spraying at lower height along the side and around all the corner of the premises. Our residue spraying treatment is odourless, non-staining, broad-spectrum and non-repellent towards general pests. Its novel active ingredient consists of fast knockdown characteristics which resulting in reduced call-backs with increased customer satisfaction

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